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 MAME32 Plus! Plus! v0.114u2 
Dimanche 22/04/07 à 20:07 par Firebrand
Ce build de MAME supportant Kaillera et le système de plugins vidéo issus de l'émulation PlayStation vient d'être mis à jour selon les dernières sources de MAME. Il semble que des améliorations internes ont été apportées, mais le site officiel étant en japonais, je ne peux pas vous en dire plus.
Télécharger MAME32 Plus! Plus! v0.114u2
Site Officiel de MAME32 Plus! Plus!
 BridgeM1 v0.6.0a5 
Samedi 21/04/07 à 19:41 par Firebrand
Cet excellent frontend pour l'émulateur M1 qui lit uniquement les fichiers sonores des ROMs MAME vient d'être mis à jour. Les nouveautés sont les suivantes:
New WIP version of BridgeM1 is available. Added a support for UTF-8 encoding. Simplified Chinese mode works again.

English mode
There's no big change in English mode. You can use .lst files both in the default encoding and in UTF-8 encoding for now. Check ReadMe file for updates.

Simplified Chinese mode
Files in GB2312 encoding are no longer supported. Please do not forget to replace "lists\cn\bm1.txt" which contains Chinese game names by a new UTF-8 encoding one. Also .lst files have to be converted into UTF-8 encoding. The archive contains some UTF-8 .lst files for the purpose of reference.
Télécharger BridgeM1 v0.6.0a5
Site Officiel de BridgeM1
 Optimized MAME v0.114u2 
Vendredi 20/04/07 à 21:53 par Firebrand
C'est au tour des versions optimisées de MAME selon divers types de processeurs d'être mis à jour selon les dernières sources disponibles du célèbre émulateur. Comme précédemment, seules les versions en lignes de commande sont disponibles. Les fichiers sont accessibles sur notre sereur dans les sections habituelles.
Site Officiel
 SDLMAME v0.114u2 
Vendredi 20/04/07 à 02:07 par Firebrand
La version de MAME pour la librairie SDL a elle aussi été mise à jour. Une nouvelle option a été ajoutée pour celle ci:
This includes a new “-video opengl16" mode you can try if OpenGL is slow or causes problems on your video card.
Télécharger SDLMAME v0.114u2
Site Officiel de SDLMAME
 Mameinfo.dat v0.114u2 
Vendredi 20/04/07 à 02:01 par Firebrand
Suivant de très près la sortie de la nouvelle version intermédiaire de MAME, voici une update du fichier informatif Mameinfo.dat. En DIFF Update comme à son habitude pour les versions intermédiaires.
Télécharger Mameinfo.dat v0.114u2 DIFF Update
Site Officiel
 MAME v0.114u2 
Vendredi 20/04/07 à 01:57 par Firebrand
Voici la version intermédiaire hebdomadaire (ou presque) de MAME fraichement sortie des efforts de la MAME Team. Voici les améliorations de celle-ci:
Time for another update to MAME 0.114. This week’s update features full discrete audio for Space Invaders thanks to Derrick, a number of great bugfixes from couriersud, some more Konami improvements from Ville, and some more movement of previously Windows-specific code into the core. As usual, keep reporting those bugs over at MAME Testers!

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- revx060gre [Aaron Giles]
- totcarn063gre1 [Aaron Giles]
- term20104u2gre [Aaron Giles]
- term20103u4gre [Aaron Giles]
- openice093u2gre [Aaron Giles]
- mk095gre [Aaron Giles]
- rmpgwt060gre [Aaron Giles]
- psyforce0105u5red [couriersud]
- raystorm0111u1red [couriersud]
- sfex20103red [couriersud]
- pkscram0111u4red [couriersud]
- looping0111u3yel [couriersud]
- cpsgfxpage4_0111red [couriersud]
- rfjetus0101u5red [couriersud]
- policetr059yel [couriersud]

Source Changes
- Fixed cdp1802 DMA emulation. [Curt Coder]
- More Konami updates: [Ville Linde]
.Hooked up vblank interrupt to Voodoo in all Voodoo-based games
.Fixed a rom loading issue in Silent Scope
.Added ADC1213x A/D converter emulation (machine/adc1213x)
.Hooked up analog controls in NWK-TR games
- MPU4 improvements: [James Wallace]
.Added NMI pulsing so Deal 'Em at least starts to boot.
.Decommissioned machine/mpu4.c, as the 6850acia code from Phil does the same job, making one less thing to maintain.
- Moved frontend commands and command-line handling into a central, core-managed location clifront.c. This eliminates the need for windows/fronthlp.c and windows/config.c and should make creating command-line based ports much easier in the future. [Aaron Giles]
- Fixed many of the remaining polygon glitches in GTI Club / Solar Assault / Operation Thunder Hurricane. [Ville Linde]
- Added save state support to the pkscram driver. [couriersud]
- Removed all the timing kludges from machine/konppc.c. GTI Club is kind of playable now. You can finish a lap or two, but eventually it will hang on network error. [Ville Linde]
- Fixed the SUBTARGET=tiny build and removed some duplicate entries in mame.mak. [Atari Ace]
- Added full discrete emulation of Space Invaders. I think people are going to be too used to the current samples and their relative levels. The new relative levels are determined by the mixing resistors. There are all different versions of the sound board, that all have slightly different sounds/components. This should be the proper Midway sounds. [Derrick Renaud]
- Updated stvcd to be working enough that most Saturn games at least die for some other reason, and a few actually do useful things. Also included a small update to the core cdrom code so you can fetch
a sector without knowing in advance what format it is. [R. Belmont]
- Added a concept of a "crosshair screen mask" internal to video.c and created a static call to retrieve the mask. [Nathan Woods]
- Converted Roller Aces to stereo sound like the real hardware. Fixed the clocks and NMI rates to match the PCB. [Corrado Tomaselli]
- Added save state support to the Midway Y, T, X and Wolf Unit games. [Aaron Giles]
- Added preliminary 64-bit disassembly support to i386dasm.c. [Aaron Giles]
- Cleaned up internal interrupt handling in the TMS34010 core. [Aaron Giles]
- Added more accurate video timing to most of the Atari 68000-era games. [Aaron Giles, couriersud]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
- Quiz Olympic [Tomasz Slanina]

New clones added
- Cameltry (World, YM2203 + M6295) [David Haywood]
- Lightning Fighters (Asia) [David Haywood]
- Street Fighter EX (EURO 961219) [Guru]
- Tekken 3 (TET3/VER.A) [Guru]
- Soul Calibur (SOC13/VER.B) [Guru]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
- Filetto (v1.05 901009) [Angelo Salese, Chris Hardy]
Télécharger MAME v0.114u2 DIFF Update
Site Officiel
 GameEx v8.07 
Vendredi 20/04/07 à 01:51 par Firebrand
Et oui, voici encore une update pour... GameEx! Plus actif encore que MAME, c'est dire! Les nouveautés de la v8.07 n'ont pas été publiées, en revanche, voici celles de la v8.06 qui est sortie dans la même journée:
- Updated setup wizard thanks to Ben (AKA Headkaze) with more themes to download and added settings for emulators
- Should fix an error on Vista with colourkey at startup
- Now properly places my games on media center start page on Vista x64
Télécharger GameEx v8.07
Site Officiel de GameEx
 ClrMAME Pro v3.100c 
Vendredi 20/04/07 à 01:47 par Firebrand
Cet utilitaire de référence vient d'être mis à jour. Il est maintenant compatible avec Windows Vista:
- fixed: wrong 'wrong placed chd' messages for removed parent/clone relationship sets
- misc: minor changes for Vista and 64bit build
Télécharger ClrMAME Pro v3.100c
Site Officiel de ClrMAME Pro
 MAME32 v0.114u1 
Mercredi 18/04/07 à 22:41 par Firebrand
Le très classique MAME32 vient d'être mis à jour selon les dernières sources disponibles de MAME.
Télécharger MAME32 v0.114u1
Site Officiel de MAME32
 MAME32FX v0.114 
Mercredi 18/04/07 à 22:35 par Firebrand
Ce build de MAME par Mamesick vient d'être mis à jour selon la dernière version stable de MAME. Des améliorations internes ont été également apportées comme le montre le change log:
- Updated to MAME 0.114 - MAME32 0.114
- Small hacky update to Neogeo.c driver:
.Fixed MAME Testers bug Blazstar0103u4Gre.
.Fixed raster effects and gfx glitches in a bunch of games.
Télécharger MAME32FX v0.114
Site Officiel de MAME32FX
 Kawaks v1.58 
Mercredi 18/04/07 à 22:30 par Firebrand
Nous n'avions pas eu de mise à jour de ce célèbre émulateur arcade depuis le mois de Décembre. C'est maintenant chose faite avec la v1.58 et les améliorations suivantes:
We updated kawaks adding the new games.
New drivers:
- Choko (Japan 010820)
- Jyangokushi: Haoh no Saihai (Japan 990527)
- Various CPS-2 clone sets
- Garou: Mark of the Wolfes (bootleg)
- Removed XOR's from all CPS-2 games. (Special thanks to Andreas Naive and Nicola Salmoria)
- Added new V3 ROM crc to rbff2 and clones.
- Added new V4 ROM crc to Last Blade and clones.
- CLRpro and ROMcenter DAT generation should be correct.
- Renamed some ROMs in SVC (MVS Cart version).
- SVC bootlegs now use the same 'C' and 'V' ROMs.
- Changed the size of the Samsho5 M ROM.
- Changed C ROM crc in pnyaa.
Télécharger Kawaks v1.58
Site Officiel de Kawaks
 Nouveau test : Golden Tee 3D Golf 
Mercredi 18/04/07 à 13:25 par Shenron
Les beaux jours reviennent, et avec eux les loisirs de plein air. Quoi ? De plein air ? Avec mes allergies, les insectes et le risque de prendre des coups de soleil ? Hmmm...avant de le grand bain, préparez-vous psychologiquement devant votre écran, avec Golden Tee 3D Golf.

 GameEx v8.05 
Mardi 17/04/07 à 20:23 par Firebrand
Ce frontend multi-émulateurs, qu'il est inutile de présenter, vient de se voir offrir une nouvelle version. Voici ce que celle ci apporte:
- Should fix issue where sometimes minimizes at startup
- Improved key press detection in screensaver. Fixes screensaver detecting input and exiting when there is not any input
- Fixes Karaoke re-enabling Jukebox when its disabled
Télécharger GameEx v8.05
Site Officiel de GameEx
 MAME / MAME32 Plus! v0.114u1 
Lundi 16/04/07 à 22:31 par Firebrand
Suite à la sortie des dernières sources de MAME, ce build vient d'être mis à jour. En plus de la mise à niveau vers MAME v0.114u1, il apporte ses améliorations personnelles:
- fixed auto_pause_playback
- fixed neogeo.c uni-bios support
- fixed some MSVC compile problems
- GUI: fixed Remove/Add games in sub folders of custom folder
- updated Portuguese (Brazil) text [Ciro @ Emuloader]
- updated Catalan, Spanish and Portuguese text [Juanen]
Télécharger MAME / MAME32 Plus! v0.114u1
Site Officiel de MAME / MAME32 Plus!
 OpenMSX v0.6.2 
Lundi 16/04/07 à 22:14 par Firebrand
Cet émulateur MSX 1/2 open source vient d'être mis à jour avec une liste impressionante d'améliorations et corrections en tout genre:
This release contains several new features and many bug fixes and optimizations.

The main new feature is the addition of the video recorder. It enables you to
record videos, including sound, of what you are doing with your emulated MSX.
Thanks to the DosBox Team for their great ZMBV lossless video codec.

The most noticeable speed optimizations are in the rendering: the SDLGL-PP
renderer can be up to 50% faster and the SDL renderer is about 6% faster. If
you were having problems with speed, give this release a try.

The trainers that are shipped with openMSX are now a lot more user friendly. It
is possible to enable or disable individual cheats of a trained game.

Bug fixes in the PSG and SCC, as well as a new way of sample rate conversion,
result in the PSG and SCC sounding very much like the real MSX now.

New or improved emulator features:
- Video recording and improved sound recording (stutterless).
- SDLGL-PP renderer (OpenGL 2.0) can do hq and hqlite scaling in hardware.
- More usable trainers.
- Extended hot keys: you can now bind any host event to a TCL command, which
means you can e.g. let openMSX push the MSX F1 key if you press a certain
button on your PC game pad.
- Event recording and replaying (experimental for now: only available at
command line, recorded session starts when openMSX starts).
- Debugger now supports watchpoint regions.

MSX device support:
- V9990 enhancements: deinterlace, cursor Y position in overscan mode, huge
speed optimizations for P modes.
- SCC sound quality improvements (no more aliasing).
- Support for the Playball mapper (and samples).
- Fixed mirroring of some FDC registers and diskROMs.
- Dot matrix graphical printer emulation added (thanks to the blueMSX Team).
- Cassetteplayer recognizes end of tape and stops.
- Small bug fixes in various devices: MSX-Audio, V9990, VDP, SCC, PSG, TC8566AF.
- Various speed optimizations: VDP command engine, Z80, video rendering, V9990,
debugger response time in break mode.
- Added a few Arabic MSX machines, but note that they have not been verified
to be correct.

Build system, packaging, documentation:
- Added support for building an application folder on Mac OS X.
- Added support for building a universal binary for Mac OS X.
- HTML-ized the Console Command Reference and the diskmanipulator documentation.
There is now also linking to these new manuals, which improved the usefulness
of them a lot.
- Added a text document about how developers can control openMSX from their own
application: doc/openmsx-control-xml.txt.

And of course the usual various bug fixes.

In "doc/manual/index.html" you can find a set of HTML manuals for openMSX.
Make sure you read this if you haven't used openMSX before, but also to learn
more about the new and changed features.

Known issues / caveats:
- Emulation is not perfect yet.
See the bug tracker on for known bugs.
- Until we reach version 1.0.0, file formats can change in an incompatible way
without backwards compatibility. This happened between 0.4.0 and 0.5.0, for
example. Keep this in mind if you create machine descriptions, ROM database
entries etc. We do try to be backwards compatible for at least one release,
though. Keep in mind that openMSX is still evolving at a considerable speed.
- openMSX is confirmed to run on the following operating systems: Linux, Win32,
Mac OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD; on x86, x86-64, Sparc and PPC CPU's.
Running on other operating systems (wherever SDL runs) or CPU's should be
possible, but may require some modifications to the build system. If you are
compiling on a new platform, please share your experiences (see below for
contact info), so we can make openMSX more portable.
- CPU and graphics performance varies a lot, depending on the openMSX settings
and the MSX hardware and software you're emulating. Some things run fine on a
200 MHz machine, others are slow on a 2 GHz machine. For performance tuning
tips, see the Setup Guide.
Télécharger OpenMSX v0.6.2
Site Officiel de OpenMSX
 Rice's HiRez Texturing Plugin v8 (development) 
Lundi 16/04/07 à 22:09 par Firebrand
Cette version non officielle de Rice Video vient d'être mise à jour. Voici la liste des modifications:
Fixed: DKR, Zelda, Brunswick Bowling......
Updated: EXE packer..
Updated: Compiled with MSVS 2005 SP1

La version 7 du plugin est passée également en version stable.
Télécharger Rice's HiRez Texturing Plugin v8 (development)
Site Officiel de Rice's HiRez Texturing Plugin
 Mednafen v0.8.1 
Dimanche 15/04/07 à 21:30 par Firebrand
Voici une grosse mise à jour de cet émulateur multi plateforme. La liste des améliorations est impressionnante comme vous pouvez le constater, car elle contient également celle de la v0.8.0 beta (la dernière version stable était la 0.7.2).:
- PC-FX: Added more registers/SetRegister() support to the debugger. Trying to edit a register in a debugger register groups with a NULL SetRegister method will no longer crash Mednafen.
- NES: Fixed a misnamed save state variable in the FME-7 code. Mednafen will now be compiled with "-fno-strict-overflow" if the C compiler supports that option, for the upcoming gcc 4.2 release, as I'm not sure this optimization is safe with Mednafen's code(it may be, but better safe than somewhat sorry!).
- PCE CD, PC-FX: Added partial support for cdrdao "TOC" files, including support for rips with subchannel data, but it must be in the "RW_RAW" format. Ripped CD+G CDs can be played back this way in the PCE CD and PC-FX BIOS CD players.

- PC-FX: Improved VDC chain/256-color mode emulation.
- PC-FX: Altered FXVCE->VDC vsync emulation.
- PC-FX: Revamped RAINBOW code, adding support for JPEG-like encoded content, thanks to David Michel's help.
- WonderSwan: Fixed a bug in the debugger(HAH) regarding the display of HBTimerPeriod and VBTimerPeriod(they were erroneously listed as 1-byte variables, when they should've been listed as 2-byte variables, which caused the values to wrap around to the other side of the screen if they were >= 0x100).
- GBA: Structurized free-floating various variables...there shouldn't be any regressions, aside from save state incompatibility, unless typos were made(if so, please tell me!).
- PC-FX: Added support for scrolling/rotation in 64K color mode.
- PC-FX: The KING data structure(including KRAM) is now dynamically allocated.
- GB, GBA: The memory for the color map/filter is now dynamically allocated.
- PC-FX: Changed the size of the emulated X tile coordinate register when drawing KING BG, affecting in-range calculation when in non-endless scroll mode. Fixes missing eyes and mouths and other craziness in cutscenes in Chip Chan Kick.
- PC-FX: Fixed playback of the last 4 samples of an ADPCM playback sequence, fixes crazy volume problems in "Team Innocent".
- PCE: VDC chip data structures(including emulated VRAM) are now dynamically allocated.
- NES: FDS and several mappers' larger data structures are now dynamically allocated.
- NES: NSF write handler info structure is now dynamically allocated, which should reduce memory usage by 1 or 2 MiB(depending on the platform) on other games/files.
- PCE: CDROM-related memory is now dynamically allocated, which should reduce Mednafen's memory usage for non PCE-CD games by at least 2.25MiB.
- PCE: Added untested support for the Tsushin Booster's expansion RAM
Replaced the hard-coded file extension tests when loading from a ZIP archive in MDFN_fopen() with code that tests extensions passed as a double-NULL-terminated(each entry is single-NULL-terminated) string to MDFN_fopen(). Added QuickLZ to the codebase, and added the setting "srwcompressor" to specify which compressor to use for staterewinding, "minilzo" or "quicklz", with "minilzo" as the default. QuickLZ can be considerably faster at compression than MiniLZO, though QuickLZ is written with x86 and x86_64 CPUs in mind, and performance will likely suffer on other platforms, and its compression ratio isn't as good as MiniLZO(which itself isn't that great!).
- PCE: Added the settings "pce.adpcmvolume", "pce.cddavolume", and "pce.cdpsgvolume", for people who like music more than sound effects, or vice-versa for some weirdos! ;)
- PCE: Burst mode will now be tested for when the VDC would enter the active display area.
- PCE: Altered the relative volume of CDDA vs PSG vs ADPCM with CDROM games, based on tests done on a real system.
- PCE: ADPCM no longer uses saturated addition for the current output value, instead just wrapping(like apparently occurs on a real system).
- PCE: Scrapped the old SCSI CDROM code, it now uses code that was previously PC-FX only(and was abstracted to be used for both). The Game Express CDROM card image now works, including Game Express CD games(at least Hi-Leg Fantasy ;)). John Madden Duo CD Football works. Steam Hearts plays stage music now. 3x3 Eyes doesn't seem to have desynchronized audio anymore during cutscenes...
- Updated libmpcdec to 1.2.5(I think it was 1.2.2 previously...).
- PC-FX: Added VRAM and FXVCE palette RAM to the debugger's memory editor.
- PCE,PC-FX: Fixed CUE+BIN pregap handling, it was totally borked before.
- PC-FX: Improved byte writes to KING I/O ports, fixes graphics problems in First Kiss Monogatari and Pia Carrot He Youkoso
- PC-FX: Changed how reads/writes from/to KING registers 0x09 and 0x0A are handled.
- PC-FX: All writes to 0x80000000-0x80000FFF are now translated to I/O port writes.
- PC-FX: Reads from "unmapped" areas in the V810's memory address space will now return 0xFF(or 0xFFFF, or 0xFFFFFFFF). This fixes a lockup that could occur in Power Dolls FX...the game seems to be trying to use 4MiB of RAM when there's only 2MiB of RAM in a PC-FX! Also, while this is probably the correct value to return for unmapped areas < 16MiB, it's not correct for at least some higher addresses... more tests are called for, but we can't just dump the entire 4GiB address space...can we?
- PC-FX: D4 of reads from KING register 0x05 will now be set if a SCSI CD interrupt is pending.
- PC-FX: Fixed READ TOC SCSI command emulation. The starting track field is no longer treated as BCD. Silly me... Fixes "Power Dolls FX" ADPCM sounds, and probably other games that have data tracks numbered 10 or above...
- PC-FX: D0 of reads from the KING DMA status registers is now the only bit returned.
- PC-FX: D0 of writes to the KING SCSI DMA length register is now ignored.
- PC-FX: Started work on initial support for for KING's 1M KRAM chip mode...I need to run tests!
- PC-FX: Reads from KING register/port 0x05 will now return the ATN and ACK SCSI status bits.
- PC-FX: Reads from KING register/port 0x04 will now return the SCSI status bits.
- PC-FX: Changed reads to KING registers/ports 0x01, 0x02, and 0x03 to return the last values written to those registers, rather than setting the bits returned corresponding to the current SCSI status bits.
- PC-FX: Improved keyport emulation, fixes Can Can Bunny Extra DX title-screen "lockup".
- PC-FX: Added support for negative KRAM increment values on read/write(king register 0xE).
- PC-FX: Fixed the SCSI bits returned on port $600 reads: D17 now returns SEL status, and D23 now returns RST status(instead of ATN).
- PCE: Block memory transfer instructions are now emulated at 6 cycles per byte transfered (+extra if VDC is accessed) instead of 5, to match tests done by malducci. This does break Wonder Momo, unfortunately... Moved the Q-subchannel simulation code to the general CD-ROM reading interfaces, and made PC Engine CD and PC-FX CD emulation both use it. Also, the code will now set the index data field to index 0 for pregap areas, but...this is only possible when using disc images, due to libcdio (or CD-ROM in general) limitations. :( Ideally, on a physical disc, we would read the Q subchannel data directly, but...I'm not sure that all drives can read and return this data, and using libcdio's direct MMC functions results in much much more latency(probably because it bypasses the OS's caching of CDROM data), which would require an extra CDROM reader thread, which does its own caching and prefetch, in Mednafen. Maybe later!
- PC-FX: Fixed cmpf.s emulation, fixes lockups in "Pachio Kun FX".
- PC-FX: Added a tidy structure to contain SCSI command numbers, CDB lengths, and function pointers.
- PC-FX: Added support for SCSI command 0x08(READ6), which "Mahjong Gokuu Tenjiku" uses.
- PC-FX: Removed most of the 32-bit I/O and memory read/write functions, which are now handled by calling the 16-bit functions twice.
- PC-FX: Modified the KING background rendering code to only draw to one buffer, instead of multiple buffers that are later mixed, to improve speed slightly.
- PC-FX: The raster counter returned on reads from FX-VCE now returns correct(I least according to a simple test I did on a real PC-FX!) values in vblank.
- PC-FX: SCDI CD interrupts on end of CD-DA track playback are now emulated.
- PC-FX: SCSI CD "Test unit ready" command now expects to receive 6 data bytes total(1+5) instead of 1. I'm not sure if this is correct with the PC-FX, but it matches the SCSI specs, so I'll keep it this way until shown otherwise.
- PC-FX: A17 of the effective KING BG CG and BAT addresses are now fixed to the CG and BAT offset settings, respectively, during rendering.
- PC-FX: Added support for non-endless-scroll in BG0 rotation mode. Fixes the title screen flipping effect for Last Imperial Prince.
- PC-FX: When a VDC layer has the same VCE priority as a KING BG layer, the VDC layer will now be shown on top. I don't know if this is correct... but it does fix a problem with disappearing sprites when leaving the airship in Miraculum.
- PC-FX: Added KING BG0 scaling/rotation support, but only for 8bpp backgrounds(direct or indirect) in endless scroll mode for now... Fixes graphics in Miraculum(yay!) and Konpeki no Kantai.
- PC-FX: Fixed direct CG mode width mask, corrects graphics bugs in "Boundary Gate" and others.
- PC-FX: Added partial microprogram emulation, fixes junk graphics in Megami Paradise II.
- PC-FX: Combined the different KING background non-endless/endless and direct/indirect rendering codepaths. This will make it a bit slower, but much more maintainable and...changeable!
SexyAL: Added support for sound cards that don't support interleaved stereo samples...probably.
Changed the font glyph cache to use an array of pointers instead of 2-dimensional array. This reduces resident memory usage considerably, even on systems with 64-bit pointers. Readded the old 6x13 and 12x13 fonts for future usage in the debugger. Fixed the documentation to list the controls for configuring virtual devices as ALT+SHIFT+1, ALT+SHIFT+2, etc. instead of ALT+1. Oops.
- PC-FX: Made fairly invasive minor optimizations/refactoring to the cellophane code... I *have* tested it, and hopefully it won't break anything that worked before!
- PC-FX: Fixed a clipping bug in KING BG non-endless scrolling mode in regards to X scroll wrapping. Fixes the disappearing boss problem in Stage 2 of Tyoushin Heiki Zeroigar!
- PCE: The soft reset function(F10 key by default) no longer soft-resets the PCE, as such a button doesn't exist on a real unit, and could cause problems with some games, so it causes a hard reset(the same as the F11 key) now.
- PCE: Added PSG registers to the debugger. Enclosed many strings in _() or gettext_noop() for translation purposes. Altered po/ to pass "-N" to msgmerge, to disable fuzzy string matching. Fuzzy strings are braindead I say! Reworked MDFN_malloc(), it now takes a purpose, and on error, will print out the number of bytes attempted to be allocated, the purpose of the allocation, and the file and line number in which the allocation was attempted(through macro magic!).
- PC-FX: Changed the 7.16MHz dot-clock emulation mode to use an internal layer 1024-pixels wide(the least-common multiple of the 2 different screen resolutions that are mixed by the video chip), rather than having 2 different layers that are merged by the video code(which causes problems on edges). This new method is much slower, unfortunately... The overlay code that supported this in the driver code and the interfaces have also been removed, as it is not used, and will not be used. ADDITIONALLY, a setting "pcfx.high_dotclock_width" has been added. The default is, of course, 1024, but other accepted values are 341 and 256, though I REALLY don't recommend using 256, as it will cause dropped pixels, whereas 341 will only cause somewhat distorted pixels horizontally. The advantage of using 341 over the default of 1024 is SPEED, and bilinear interpolation(if enabled) will work much better as well.
- PC-FX: Fixed major problems when using more than one breakpoint of a type(read, write, etc.); it also occurred with the PCE debugger, but only with Aux breakpoints.
- PC-FX: Fixed the VDC state restore code to properly recache all the tiles, instead of half of them!
- GB, GBA: Fixed a few duplicate and misnamed variables in the save state structures.
- PCE, PC-FX: Fixed a misnamed variable in the VDC save state structures.
- Lynx: Removed a duplicate variable in the CPU save state structure.
- PC-FX: Save states are now named so that they can be shared among CDs in recognized multi-disc sets(previously only .sav games were). This is intended to emulate "hot-swapping" as far as the game is concerned(though you will need to exit the emulator and load the second disc, so it isn't truly hot-swap ;)). When a game requests you to change the disc, the procedure is:
*Eject virtual disc(F8 key).
*Save state.
*Exit emulator.
*Load emulator with second CD.
*Load state.
*Wait for the game to load it. :b
- PC-FX: Implemented virtual CD insert/eject, via the F8 key.
- PC-FX: Added dummy handling of SCSI command 0x01(rezero unit), Doukyusei II no longer aborts the emulator.
- PC-FX: Fixed bitstring instructions to fetch from the proper source address, fixes major graphics corruption bugs in "Anime Freak FX Vol. 4" and probably some other games as well.
- PC-FX: Fixed RAINBOW decoding to not begin block decoding until a 0xFF is discovered in the bytestream. Fixes some graphical problems in "Ojousama Sousama".
- PC-FX: Fixed the CD-DA playback speed calculation to match with tests I performed on my own PC-FX with a pure sine wave(interestingly, there was some really weird frequency aliasing at +10% playback speed on a real PC-FX...).
- WonderSwan: Refactored the SRAM and external EEPROM code, and added support for larger SRAM sizes(Dicing Knight works now!).
- PCE: Extended the Sherlock Holmes 1 hack to Sherlock Holmes 2 as well.
The address displayed in the "Cursor position" field in the memory viewer/debugger is now masked properly.
- PC-FX: Fixed the ADPCM lowpass filter rolloff frequency calculation(forgot to divide by 2!).
- PC-FX: Changed priority handling of KING background for priorities 5-7, though I don't know if the new way is correct... fixes a graphical bug in "Power Dolls FX".
- PC-FX: The ADPCM volume control registers are now emulated as logarithmic, instead of linear.
- PC-FX: Modified 256-color VDC sprite and bg palette index calculation, to fix color problems in the 3/4 view of Ojousama Sousamou.
- PC-FX: Altered ADPCM address emulation so that the "active" play address is 17 bits instead of 18 bits, fixes problems in several games(Anime Freak FX Vol. 1, Tenchi Muyo! FX), hopefully it doesn't cause any new ones. ;)
- PC-FX: Added support for KING bitstring writes and reads, and changed maximum BGn screen dimension setting from 0x9 to 0xA. "Boundary Gate" works much much better now due to these changes.
- NES: NULL-terminated the debugger's list of MMC1 registers, which was apparently forgotten earlier. Oops. Added MMC3 registers to the debugger. Added the current scanline(read-only) to the debugger's list of registers.
Télécharger Mednafen v0.8.1
Site Officiel de Mednafen
 Emu Loader v4.9.8.1 (fixed) 
Samedi 14/04/07 à 22:39 par Firebrand
Un bug assez ennuyeux s'était glissé dans la toute dernière version de ce frontend pour MAME. Ceci a été promptement corrigé avec la version que voici:
Quick update here people. I made a mistake when detecting custom command lines. If you try to run a game with standard settings, an error message about an empty custom command line would appear instead of loading the game. Everyone, please download the binary pack(s) again (full pack or update pack).
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Télécharger Emu Loader v4.9.8.1 (fixed)
Site Officiel de Emu Loader
 Optimized MAME v0.114u1 
Samedi 14/04/07 à 22:36 par Firebrand
Ces versions optimisés de MAME selon différents types de processeurs ont été mises à jour selon les dernières sources de l'émulateur. Mais toujours pas de mise à jour des versions de MAME32 qui restent bloquées à la v0.112 pour le moment. Vous retrouverez tous ces fichiers dans les sections habituelles de notre site.
Site Officiel
 De nouvelles traductions chez Génération IX 
Samedi 14/04/07 à 22:28 par Firebrand
A l'occasion de ses 7 ans (bon anniversaire au passage), le groupe de traduction francophone Génération IX vient de publier pas moins de 11 patches de traduction! Voici les jeux concernés:
- Arena Maze of Death (Game Gear)
- Musashi no Bouken (NES)
- Mega Man V (NES)
- Daffy Duck - The Marvin Missions (Super Nintendo)
- Tin Star (Super Nintendo)
- Speedy Gonzales - Los Gatos Bandidos (Super Nintendo)
- Fire Team Rogue (Super Nintendo)
- Cliffhanger (Super Nintendo)
- Bobby's World (Super Nintendo)
- Space Megaforce (Super Nintendo), plus connu sous le nom de Super Aleste de part chez nous
- Archer Maclean's Dropzone

Vous trouverez ces patches sur leur site.
Site de Génération IX
 GameEx v8.04 
Samedi 14/04/07 à 22:11 par Firebrand
Voici une nouvelle version de GameEx qui corrige quelques bugs:
- Fixes MAME launch before command when in screensaver
- Fixes dialog text colour to be white instead of black in default (media centre) theme
Télécharger GameEx v8.04
Site Officiel de GameEx
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